As a premier business program, the Carson-Newman Department of Business is developing professional, ethical servant leaders for a global society. In a Christian liberal arts environment, you’ll be challenged through a progressive curriculum and mentored by leaders who model professionalism and technical expertise.

The Business Department is located in Ted Russell Hall.
Ted Russell Hall is a world-class facility. Comprising 30,720 square feet, this expansive facility includes 23 faculty offices, office suites, workrooms, three conference rooms, a student lounge, two theater-style smart classrooms, and four second-floor classrooms dedicated to computer-based courses that employ smart technology that enhances 21st-century teaching methods.
Named for Carson-Newman Alumnus and Knoxville businessman Ted Russell, the April 30th, 2009 dedication of Ted Russell Hall began a new era for business education at Carson-Newman.

Through internships and a variety of practical experiences, you’ll have opportunities to contribute to economic development in the region while gaining valuable experience in your field.